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Automatic Opening Vent Systems

We are the first suppliers in the UK to be able to offer a truly compliant solution from design to install.

Smoke Ventilation

Automatic Opening Vent Systems (AOVs) or Smoke Ventilation Systems are a crucial part of any building’s fire safety requirements. You need to know that your commercial building adheres to and complies with the latest first safety regulations.

Automatic Opening Vent Systems allow you to integrate automatic windows, normally using an actuator, and sources of ventilation into an optimised fire safety system. These smoke ventilation systems open automatically when triggered by stimuli from heat or smoke detectors allowing for the natural ventilation of air and smoke.

A Plus is working with SE Controls, the leading manufacturer of smoke ventilation products to manufacture AOV’s to the required standards and are able to refer to our partners Silver Group, a leading provider of fire safety and security solutions who design, install and provide ongoing maintenance for all types of building smoke ventilation and heat exhaust systems. One of the first fully compliant systems in the UK.

Ensuring a reliable smoke ventilation system

In the event of a fire, smoke is considered a bigger threat than the fire itself which is why we’re often advised to crawl along the floor below smoke. One of the other biggest threats during a fire is firefighters being unable to access buildings safely and quickly due to any structural damage caused.

As AOVs open automatically and are built into the most structurally sound parts of the building (the outer walls or roof), AOVs allow smoke to rise above escape routes, giving significantly improved visibility and ventilation to occupants, as well as giving firefighters quick and easy access to a building in order to carry out fire and rescue operations. This means earlier firefighting, better safety, and less permanent damage to your facilities or offices.

Automatic Opening Vents (OAVs)

We often hear about compliance when it comes to smoke ventilation solutions but sadly few companies are able to offer a truly compliant solution.

A Plus together with our key strategic partner Silver Group and certified partnership with SE Controls are the first suppliers in the UK to be able to offer a truly compliant solution from design to install, commissioning and subsequent maintenance providing commercial builders with a complete solution that is legally compliant.

What are smoke vents?

Automatic Opening Vent Systems (AOVs) or Smoke Ventilation Systems are a critical part of any building’s fire safety requirements. When triggered by heat or smoke detectors, these windows open automatically allowing for the natural ventilation of air and smoke enabling you to integrate automatic windows and sources of ventilation into an optimised fire safety system.

Although best suited to new projects, which allow you to integrate an AOV into the structure of complex buildings as a comprehensive, natural ventilation system, they can also be fitted to existing projects as part of an integrated fire safety or smoke control solution.

A complete smoke ventilation system.

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